
Proyek [Total 64]

1. PKK E-Report

[Web Development]

PKK E-Report merupakan situs web yang ditujukan sebagai dokumentasi kegiatan PKK ditingkat Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Fitur yang tersedia diantaranya membuat, mengubah, melihat, menghapus, dan mengunduh laporan.

2. Apache Log Convert To CSV


Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk mengkonversi file log yang telah dihasilkan oleh service apache ke dalam bentuk CSV menggunakan pemrograman python.

3. Learn Midtrans

[Web Development]

Learn Midtrans mempelajari bagaimana cara mengintegrasikan fitur yang ada pada Midtrans yaitu sistem Payment Gateway menggunakan API.


[Web Development]

SINOBI-DATIN atau Sistem Informasi One Big Data Integrated adalah program dari Kelurahan Pasar Minggu yang digunakan sebagai pusat pelayannya melalui situs web. Fitur yang tersedia mulai dari informasi publik, berita, pelayanan online, kontak, akses ke sumber terkait, dan sebagainya seputar Kelurahan Pasar Minggu di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan.


[Web Development]

SITEMAN-NIB atau Sistem Integrasi Pelayanan Perizinan Berbasis Resiko Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) ditujukan kepada para pemilik usaha di kawasan Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan. Fitur yang tersedia diantaranya layanan pendampingan, layanan informasi, big data perizinan, regulasi NIB, FAQ, dain sebagainya.


[Web Development]

SILOTANG adalah sistem pelaporan yang dibuat secara otomatis menggunakan format file yang telah dibuat sedemikian rupa agar dapat dikonversi ke tampilan situs web sehingga mudah untuk dikelola menjadi data.

7. Learn Web Pemrograman Dasar

[Web Development]

Mempelajari kembali dasar dari pemrograman aplikasi web mulai dari HTML, CSS, dan Javascript secara bertahap.

8. Learn Frontend Dasar

[Web Development]

Mempelajari konsep Frontend dasar aplikasi web yang berfokus pada interaksi antara user dengan sistem web, seperti tampilan yang terlihat ketika user melakukan perubahan, hingga menyimpan perubahan yang telah dilakukannya.

9. TerbaikTUFJ

[Web Development]

TerbaikTUFJ merupakan platform web jual beli urban farming yang diinisiasi oleh Sudin KPKP Jakarta Selatan. Dalam hal ini, diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan pemeliharaan web yang meliputi perbaikan konten tabel, custom slideshow, menampilkan video, dan menambahkan fitur terbaru yaitu GoSend.

10. UP3D Setiabudi

[Web Development]

UP3D Setiabudi adalah pelayanan yang diberikan oleh daearah Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan kepada masyarakat mulai dari memberikan informasi, pendaftaran, pelacakan permohonan, hingga FAQ.

11. Sisirteco

[Web Development]

Sisirteco merupakan sistem untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap kendaraan yang akan masuk ke dalam Taman Tebet Eco Park, Jakarta Selatan. Hal ini dikarenakan lahan parkir yang belum mencukupi sehingga mengganggu warga sekitarnya ketika hendak keluar/masuk melalui taman tersebut.

12. Sudinbud

[Web Development]

Sudinbud adalah portal web berita khusus Sudin Kebudayaan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan.

13. Germor Sedekah

[Web Development]

Germor Sedekah merupakan program Pemerintah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya dengan mensedekahkan bantuan berupa barang-barang yang telah disediakan.

14. SI UCI

[Web Development]

SI UCI atau Sistem Utama Customer Informasi yang digunakan sebagai penyedia informasi 24 jam mengenai Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan menggunakan Chat Bot.

15. Pencatatan HI

[Web Development]

Pencatatan Hubungan Industrial (HI) merupakan bentuk pelayanan kepada masyarakat apabila mengalami masalah dengan tempatnya bekerja, mulai dari pencatatan permasalahan, pelacakan status laporan, hingga menghubungi kedua belah pihak agar saling berkoordinasi.

16. Situs Resmi Web Jakarta Selatan

[Web Development]

Situs Resmi Web Jakarta Selatan yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi diantaranya, berita / video / agenda terikini, profil, pejabat, wilayah, bank data, regulasi, PPID, hingga informasi publik.

16. IPTM

[Web Development]

IPTM atau Izin Penggunaan Tanah Makam merupakan layanan pemerintah Kabupaten Tangerang kepada masyarakat dalam hal menggunakan tempat pemakaman umum untuk almarhum yang akan dikuburkan disana.


[Web Development] adalah Portfolio Muhammad Azhar Rasyad yang dibuat kedalam tampilan web.

1. Angkutan Umum Bandung

[Web Development]

Bandung public transportation is a website of the Bandung City Transportation Agency which is used as data for information on public transportation such as angkot, taxis, buses, and damri. There are important data including vehicle number, owner, vehicle test number, brand, type, and status.

2. Covid-19 Prediction


Covid-19 Prediction is a study conducted to predict Covid-19 cases in Indonesia from available datasets within a certain period of time.

3. Pemira

[Web Development]

Pemira is a website for the election of the president and vice president of the student executive body at STT-NF.

4. Retech


Retech is a data analysis of retech company product data and Bandung city public transportation data. The analysis is carried out in order to obtain information that will be used as a basis for improving development that will be carried out in the future.

5. Learn Kotlin


Learn Kotlin is the result of learning the Kotlin programming language starting from control flow, coroutines, data classes, collections, functional, generics, fundamentals, and object oriented.

6. Learn Android Kotlin

[Android Development]

Learn android kotlin is the result of learning that is carried out including the material for Activity, Intent, Views, ViewGroup, Style, Theme, and Recycler View.

7. StayUp

[Android Development]

StayUp is an example of an application that contains a list of startups in Indonesia.

8. Learn Android Flutter

[Android Development]

Learn android flutter is the result of learning done in developing android applications using Flutter by implementing several things including Widget, Navigation, Routing, ConstrainedBox, Row, Column, State Management, HTTP, and Shared Preferences.

9. Github Clone

[Android Development]

Github Clone is the result of learning taken from Github application references by implementing Intent, Activity, Parcelable, RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout, SearchView, TabLayout, Retrofit network requests, API, SQLite, Room, and DataStore.

10. Jetpack Movie

[Android Development]

Jetpack Movie is the result of learning that applies ViewModel, library testing, repository pattern, LiveData, Idling Resources, Room, and Pagination.

11. Capstone Expert

[Android Development]

Capstone expert is the result of learning that applies Clean Architecture, Coroutine Flow, Coins, Android Library, Dynamic Features, Continuous Integration, Leak Canary, obfuscation, encryption, and certificate pinning.

12. Link-Match STT-NF

[Web Development]

Link-Match STT-NF is a website that is used to perform project management using the Scrum method given by the product owner to students at STT-NF. There are five related roles including Administrator, Lecturer, Scrum Master, Student, and Product Owner. The available features include CRUD on the User, Team, Team Member, Value Team Member, Project, and Sprint tables.

1. Link-Match Modul Project

[Web Development]

Link-Match Project Module is one part of the Link-Match STT-NF project design in web form. The project module is devoted to handling project management, starting from managing the project, team, members, and minimum viable product.

2. Learn Data Security


Learn data security is the result of learning at the Technofair event and produces several techniques for securing data. Some of the techniques studied include caesarean, substitution, vigenere, and xor cipher.

3. Learn Data Science


Learn data science is the result of bootcamp training on python and data science. The main material taught is basic python, pandas, visualization, and machine learning. In basic python material, learn about python lists, dictionaries, methods, and functions. In pandas material, we learn about data access/indexing, data transformation, data reshaping, data grouping, and data merging. The visualization material covers matplotlib, custom visualization, multiple plots, and quantitative comparisons. The last material is machine learning about sciki learning, data preprocessing, model selection, and performance evaluation models.

4. Learn Data Visualization


Learn data visualization is the result of learning to train how to visualize data properly. The exercises include introduction to data, data visualization, basic mathematics and statistics, basic spreadsheets, transformation of data to diagrams, common errors in data visualization, to data documentation.

5. Visualisasi Gempa Bumi


Earthquake Visualization is the result of research to describe the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes in a certain period of time using publicly published data.

6. Prediction Titanic


Titanic prediction is a challenge to predict how many people will survive the titanic incident using machine learning from the data that has been provided.

7. UI Login

[Android Development]

UI Login is a simple android application that focuses on displaying the user interface on a login form.

8. UI/UX Design ClickData

[UI/UX Design]

ClickData is a UI/UX Design as a design for a dataset provider application, the available displays include a splash screen, login form, homepage display, discussion forum, data request form, and profile view.

1. Design DB Olahraga


The sports database design is an illustration before being implemented into an application that has several functions including transfer, ordering, canceling, and completing bookings.

2. Pencarian Kata


Word search is a program that is used to search for a word in a file, there are several options available including searching by using arguments, arrays, conditions, or just one file.

3. Design DB Perpustakaan


The library database design is an illustration before being implemented into an application that contains features such as borrowing, returning, and inventory.

4. Design DB Mushola


The design of the prayer room database is an illustration before it is implemented into an application that has features such as inventory, lending, donations, and reporting.

5. Design DB Kursus


The course database design is an overview before being implemented into an application that has features such as registration, payment, commission, add participants, and course completion.

6. BaseNF

[Web Development]

BaseNF is a web prototype that is used to inform the workload of lecturers at STT-NF, there is information related to lecturers, teaching, research, PKM, positions, and contacts.

7. Aritmatika Jam


Clock arithmetic is a program to perform calculations using units of hours, minutes, and seconds. Only calculations are available for addition and subtraction, in addition if an error occurs it will display an error message.

8. Tiket Pesawat


Airline ticket is a program to test the validity of the form filled in by the user in booking airplane tickets, whether it is in accordance with the format or not so as to avoid human error.

9. Game S.O.S


Game S.O.S is a program that implements S.O.S games on a computer. There are options available, namely choosing boards from 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, to custom. In addition, we can choose whether to fight players or computers that have been given simple artificial intelligence.

10. Learn Django

[Web Development]

Open class Django is the result of implementing learning about the web django framework, starting from the introduction, views, templates, apps, URLs, variables, and tags.

11. Learn Laravel

[Web Development]

Learn laravel is the result of implementing learning about the laravel web framework, starting from installation, making CRUD, implementing databases, and deploying.

12. KNRP Depok

[Web Development]

KNRP Depok is an information web that is planned to be used by the KNRP organization in Depok as its official website. There is some information available such as news, about ID cards, donations, social media, and the feature of managing news as an admin.

13. Basmalah

[Web Development]

Basmalah is a web that is used to cope with poor families by providing material by teachers through the mosque's prosperity council. There are registration features for DKM, teachers, and unemployed, other features in the form of donations to reports. In auth there are three roles including administrator, DKM, and teacher.

14. Ranah Guru

[Web Development]

Ranah Guru is a job vacancy website specifically for teachers and schools. The vacancies contain the subjects required by the school for the teachers who will teach.

15. UI/UX Design Ops...

[UI/UX Design]

Ops... is a UI/UX design for Android as a place for organic material e-commerce. The available displays are splash screen, main page, product details, ordering, cart, and payment.

16. Hystech

[Web Development]

Hystech is an activity scheduling web prototype specifically for Jamkrindo companies, there are authentication, calendar, event submission, edit, and delete features.

17. UI/UX Design StayUp

[UI/UX Design]

StayUp is a UI/UX Design in the form of android for designing startup investment applications.

18. UI/UX Design tapSehat

[UI/UX Design]

tapSehat is a UI/UX Design in the form of an android for designing hospital service applications.

19. U-VEST

[Web Development]

U-VEST is a web prototype used for business investment by customers and investors.

1. PBB Euclidean


In discrete mathematics there is a Euclidean algorithm that aims to find the greatest common divisor of two integers. This program is made to make it easier to calculate the Euclidean algorithm by only entering two integers then the results will be known and there is an option to see the steps or not. (Reference).

2. 4 Pemulung


4 Pemulung is a program for collecting data and transactions aimed at scavengers. There are several features available including registering, searching, sorting, calculating, and information.

3. Design DB Pasar


The market database design aims to provide an overview before being implemented into an application and there are features of orders and transactions using a trigger.

4. Learn Web Security

[Web Development]

Web security is a program carried out to ensure the security of a website is protected from threats or hacking.

5. TourlevarT

[Web Development]

TourlevarT is an assignment in a web programming course that applies HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are several features available to implement these uses, starting from the landing page, login form, rupiah exchange rate, image picker, and form validation.

6. StikLe

[Web Development]

StikLe is a web design that is intended to assess and display personal characters, in which there are features of personal rating, displaying, comparing, ranking, and grouping (not yet available).

7. Dot

[Web Development]

Dot is a web prototype used for food distribution, in which there are 2 roles including food contributor and administrator. Contributors act as people who will provide food to the regions for distribution, while administrators play a role in monitoring activities between food contributors.